Thursday, July 29, 2010

Winners play to their STRENGTHS !!!

Winners know their strengths very very well, they also know their weakness area very well, they consiously focus on and play to their strength area only, they know that they can become the best only by focussing on their strength and not worrying about their weakness area.

They never try to be Someone else, they are their strongest VERY OWN SELF....they are that way, because of being that way...they become very successful at whatever they set out to do.

Spend some time, identifying your strength and weakness area, are you working on your strengths everyday and winning every day or are you worried about covering your weakness areas and losing every day !!! Winners focus on strength area in themselves and they focus on strength areas in others.

Once YOU truly grasp the strength areas which you are GOOD at, then there is no looking back, you should not hesitate to start working on and honing those skills which make you really really GOOD and BIG... GO for it NOW, don't wait for permission to perform to your strengths, Be the person YOU always wanted to be, Be the WINNER you always ARE...WINNERS really play to their strengths and losers try to cover their weaknesses and are constantly worried about that. What do you want to do ?

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